Tuesday, January 09, 2007

DFW Star-Telegram Article

Another article, pretty soon I am going to have to get a crew and a whole bunch of markers.



wgriff76140 said...

i think as an educated man, you should read the surgeon generals study on second hand smoke and understand just exactly how the scientific community came up with their evidence to support that second hand smoke causes cancer. it was all done thru surveys that were mailed out and returned. everyone lies on surveys. there has never been a totally scientific study done because they could never set one up because of cost and volunteers willing to do so. and further, look at your employer and what they do for a living and tell me that second hand smoke caused your illness more than the work environment you are constantly around. please read and understand all the evidence and how the eviddence was aquired before blaming second hand smoke fro your illness. if you dont like what i have to say then you are more than welcome to email me with your comments. i watched my mother who was 62 when she died, die a little every day and it was determined the she died from pnemonia. she smoked most of her life and as a nurse she picked up a bug somewhere that took root in the lungs and caused a medical condition called cardiopulminary obstructive disorder. it wasnt caused by her smoking and was also diagnosed as tb for several years before they finally found out what she had. by then like you it was too late to do anything but give her the best care they could till she passed. they gave her two years, she made it six. so you might say i have seen it and what happens. unfortunately she wasnt able to get a transplant, so be thankfull for what you have.
i had to care for her with only what little disability she got from social security and the help of the jps network. now she is gone and i am in debt, that i might never get out of, but i helped to try and give her what life she had left as pleasant as possible.

if you want to respond then my address is wgriff76140@yahoo.com

wgriff76140 said...

i think as an educated man, you should read the surgeon generals study on second hand smoke and understand just exactly how the scientific community came up with their evidence to support that second hand smoke causes cancer. it was all done thru surveys that were mailed out and returned. everyone lies on surveys. there has never been a totally scientific study done because they could never set one up because of cost and volunteers willing to do so. and further, look at your employer and what they do for a living and tell me that second hand smoke caused your illness more than the work environment you are constantly around. please read and understand all the evidence and how the eviddence was aquired before blaming second hand smoke fro your illness. if you dont like what i have to say then you are more than welcome to email me with your comments. i watched my mother who was 62 when she died, die a little every day and it was determined the she died from pnemonia. she smoked most of her life and as a nurse she picked up a bug somewhere that took root in the lungs and caused a medical condition called cardiopulminary obstructive disorder. it wasnt caused by her smoking and was also diagnosed as tb for several years before they finally found out what she had. by then like you it was too late to do anything but give her the best care they could till she passed. they gave her two years, she made it six. so you might say i have seen it and what happens. unfortunately she wasnt able to get a transplant, so be thankfull for what you have.
i had to care for her with only what little disability she got from social security and the help of the jps network. now she is gone and i am in debt, that i might never get out of, but i helped to try and give her what life she had left as pleasant as possible.

if you want to respond then my address is wgriff76140@yahoo.com