Wednesday, November 15, 2006

True fellings letting my hair down

Howdy I thought it was time I be honest with you all and let my hair down about cancer, side effects, and the wait 2 and half months now for 2 new lungs.

I have alot on my mind at times, other times it is totaly blank.

I just can't live the lie anymore

Cancer doesn't cause you to lose your hair it make you aerodynamic and when it grows back it is a mess to deal with

Not everyone can have long flowing locks of hair. Don't hate on the fro it is not my fault. What should I do straighten it out or mess up the furniture with a drip drip curl?


Dusty Donaldson said...

Hi Jerrold! I've enjoyed reading your blog. I have a Google alert out for BAC. I would like to invite you to join the BAC listserv, if you're not already a member. We have BACers who either have had a transplant or are, like you, waiting for lungs. Here is the URL, if you'd like to join. We'd love to have you.

There's a wealth of information about bronchioloalveolar carcinoma on the list. I look forward to see you on the listserv. I wish you the best.

P.S. I work in Winston-Salem. Here is my blog:
Take care.
Dusty Donaldson

Anonymous said...

Jerrold, nice do. Although I know you are not a child of the sixties I think your humorous spirit must be. By the way, good thing for us Donuts have a very low probability of transmitting Ecoli, nor will they straighten our hair. Donut holes are a hole different story though...stay away from those things ;-)

Hang in there buddy...

Anonymous said...

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