Thursday, November 02, 2006

CT results....Nov. 2, 2006

The CT scan from the other evening showed that the cancer involvement was still isolated to my lungs which was good news. I am still awaiting results from other test to see why my lab results were non-normal (it is possible that the medication is causing the lab result spikes).

Again the link to the Transplant governing body is

A link to the transplant data is

you will have to conduct your own query from the site a hint (you might want to search by state or region, then further narrow your scope by querying blood type, condition, age...)


Anonymous said...

The beast was so scared by your determination it decided to stay where it is instead o moving around.

Great result.

Keep posting, Jerrold. We all cannot always reply, but I can assure you we keep reading!



Anonymous said...

its me i had to come for an update... u know the dc family keeps you in prayer... i must say u have been an inspiration to all so u keep fighting and praying and know that the booques are in this with u...
give the mrs & girls our love...
your sis-star, friend, and dc booque...

ps how about da redskins :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dash! Checked out your blog today. Your determination is an inspiration. Keep fightin'!

P. S. photos man, photos would set it off!