Monday, September 25, 2006

Hello World (My First Blog)

Hello World, You have dialed in and found my Blog an idea I have kicked around since I was diagnosed with terminal non-smokers lung cancer earlier this year (02/01/06). My goal is that through my experience (the good the bad and the down right ugly) I will be able to help someone that might find themselves in a similar predicament. The format for this blog will center around my medical condition (treatments, feelings, diet, exercise, medical myths, and medical mistakes…..). I will try to the best of my ability to censor my comments so I don’t discuss my work and my family at great length. With all that said let’s begin shall we.

I am obviously a non-smoker I never smoked although I did buy a cigar when I graduated (no honors) from college in 1997. I subsequently lit said cigar let it burn put it to my mouth but did not inhale (dry lung cancer humor). I don’t drink although I did have several beers with some of my offensive lineman, and some of the d-line, and linebackers, and d-backs (uh we drunk beers a lot freshman football um intake process). I learned from the beer drinking that I don’t have a taste for alcohol, that I couldn’t afford it (poor college kid), and that I really liked to be in control of my body at all times. For those very observant readers you might have gathered that I am an athlete track and football through college (football scholarship). The scene that I am trying to set is one that raises the question how the heck did you get lung cancer (I don’t know). I was subject to second hand smoke growing up but if that is the case my siblings would have probably gotten the same cancer (they are cancer free thank GOD). I am a medical mystery and my condition redefines what these rookie doctors learn everyday. Given that I am at Stage 4 (I am supposed to be on oxygen) well I am not on oxygen, I work out hard at least 4 – 5 times a week (reverting to my bachelor days since my wife and daughters are not here with me as I await some new lungs).

Cancer stinks it sucks no one deserves it but you can’t let it beat you (the medicine will do that) you have to fight for every breath because they are so precious. The doctors tell me I have cancer and looking at the x-rays and seeing the huge chemo-port-o-cath that bulges from beneath my skin of my chest I think they are half right with the diagnoses. I have cancer but cancer doesn’t have me.

Well that is it for this first blog my intro of sorts. I hope all enjoyed and will continue this journey with me. Future blogs will be broken down into to sections the first will be called current (containing info about what is going on now) the next will be called Flashback (random glimpse back to treatment I have had since I was diagnosed 02/01/06 and misdiagnosed from at least 2001 on; this section fill in the blanks that existed prior to starting this blog.

Warning: My grammar is horrible (I am lettered but not learned) my spelling is terrible so be forewarned. I may also become vulgar is some of my language as I am truly in the moment and giving you all my raw emotions.

GOD Bless


Anonymous said...

Jerrold --

Congrats on your first blog entry. I'm sure there are a lot of us out here who will be hanging on every word you write, and we don't care about your grammar so long as we get your point.

I didn't know you were supposed to be on oxygen. Gadzooks.

Maybe for your next entry you could give a few facts -- like the name of your cancer, how much of your lungs are involved, and what kind of chemo you're doing now. Just we have the background.

I appreciate the cancer humor, as always.

Keep writing! It's great stuff!

Anonymous said...

this is the redskin booque thanks for starting this blog... i learned some new things and i have to say that GOD is truly GREAT stage 4 and no oxygen... u know the prayers will continue to go up for u & the mrs and the girls...

Anonymous said...


I think you did very well with your first blog, which is one more than myself. As for grammar and spelling that is just genes and not a major item. I would have never known had you not mentioned it.

The more I read the more I think I should do one with my expirence, smoker lung cancer from a seriously hard core ex-smoker.

Anonymous said...

A blog? A BLOG?

Ok, great idea and a good way to stay somehow in touch.

I guess I will be the only Italian (not Italian-American) writing here, but you never know. For sure I'll be the only Italian whose desk is ten feet from yours.

So.... get well and get back soon!!!!! We'll make sure we have donuts made using oxygenated water (do you think you are the only one with a poor sense of humour? ;-).

Seriously now.... keep us posted, ok?


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Anonymous said...

My mother has just been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. She is only 64 and hasn't smoked a day in her life. I have just read your 1st blog and very much look forward to reading the rest. Thank you for your blog!!...kiki